Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Yars' Revenge

Yars' revenge is released for the Atari 2600 in 1982. It was the best selling original title for 2600.

Player will control a flying robot and try to kill the alien on the right hand side of the screen. The robot is equipped with a laser gun and energy-collecting abilities. The alien can only be damaged by using cannon in the station on the left hand side of the screen. The station will follow player’s robot at lower speed. Player’s robot aims to gather energies released after the death of small enemies. The energy will then be used to charge the cannon in the station. If the player’s robot is in the way, it is possible to kill yourself by using the cannon. 

While the game have no end (I assume so), player are challenged to reach the highest level possible or to the limit where they will give up. The enemies will become more powerful, harder to kill and more aggressive. 

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